Lisa for Avondale:
Building on Our Progress
With your vote – and your input – we can continue to preserve and grow our collective vision of a vibrant, welcoming, walkable, and green community. I am committed to smart growth and policies that reflect the citizen input incorporated into our Comprehensive and Downtown Master Plans.
The next four years will see change and growth unlike any since our city’s founding.
How do we preserve the best parts of our small town identity and community character as urbanization and development happen?
How do we upgrade city policies and procedures to become more efficient and economical while maintaining unique services and safety?
And, given limited funds and staff time, how do we prioritize investment and expenditures to ensure long term financial sustainability?
Key Accomplishments as Your Commissioner
Instrumental in realization of key initiatives related to the Downtown Master Plan: the Town Green Project, street grid plan and development, and zoning code rewrite
Appointed member of the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) with the role of representing city interests and helping assure collaboration and communication between boards.
Partnered with a former commissioner to introduce the Welcome America program and resources to the BOMC for adoption and formation of Welcome Avondale Estates Committee.
Created, organized and participated in all “Commissioner Chats”, regular casual meetings where community interfaced with one or two commissioners.
Lisa does the thoughtful and arduous work of researching every topic that comes before the DDA or the BOMC and listens to residents, other elected officials, and City staff before making a decision. Lisa respects everyone in our community – young, old, new, long-time. If you want to know what excellent public service looks like, look to Lisa Shortell.
— Dave Dieters, AE resident and Downtown Development Authority Chair
“Only one AE commissioner has consistently answered every resident email over the last four years. Ask anyone. Lisa listens. It makes a difference.”
— Eileen Hickey, AE resident