Preserving and growing what we love best about our community will continue to be my foremost priority.

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My priorities:

• Transforming and revitalizing our downtown

• Addressing storm water issues throughout the city, both residential and downtown

• Continuing to review and upgrade city policies (including policing, communication and environmental policies)

• Finding opportunities to show the broader community that the past does not define what Avondale Estates is today

• Renovating historic greenspaces and lake

• Exploring traffic calming solutions for residential streets

Specific priorities and actions that will help us realize them:

1.  Transforming and revitalizing our downtown
Continue to work on and ensure the completion of transformational “placemaking” projects. Why? Investing in our downtown now will benefit residents long-term in many ways including quality of life, access to services, and a stronger, more diverse tax base.

• Construct the Town Green Park and adjacent, activating commercial site
• Complete the final planning steps and implement the US Hwy. 278 Complete Street Project (2022)
• Implement downtown street grid and streetscapes as opportunities arise
• Work with the DDA to attract great businesses and promote and market events
• Explore ways to incentivize or partner with work force and senior housing developers


2. Addressing storm water issues throughout the city, both residential and downtown
Starting to tackle this huge issue now will keep storm water fees lower in the future.

• Engineer and implement five identified priority projects through 2023
• Construct the North Woods Project (2021-2022) to reduce siltation from storm water run-off in Lake Avondale
• Develop green infrastructure program strategies to assist and incentivize participation from home and business owner


3. Continuing to review and upgrade city policies
Given the recent accreditation audit report, it is clear that our police department needs evaluation and change, but periodic review in all areas of city government ensures that we are operating efficiently, economically, and equitably. Developing policy that supports inclusion and environmental goals is also a priority for me.

• Implement next steps on police review of policy and procedures when state audit and report are complete
• Support steps toward improving communications practices, per our Communication Policy, with a more comprehensive, cohesive approach
• Implement city-wide branding; a project prioritized and funded by both the DDA and City in order to coordinate the way finding, marketing, and signage needed by both the developing downtown and residential area
• Develop an environmental sustainability policy that incorporates current initiatives and prioritizes future improvements


4. Finding opportunities to show the broader community that the past does not define what Avondale Estates is today.
Supporting diversity and creating a welcoming environment are important to me.

• Oversee and support Welcoming Avondale Estates Committee initiatives
• Work with DDA and Avondale Estates Business Association to attract and celebrate minority businesses
• Support downtown revitalization to create opportunity for diverse housing options, more businesses and jobs, and connectivity with adjacent communities.


5. Renovating historic greenspaces and lake
Renovation of these areas strengthens our identity and quality of life.

• Evaluate and renovate key overgrown plazas for aesthetics and use (Ad-Hoc Green Space Committee report)
• Assess and address the health of Lake Avondale and the dam


6. Exploring traffic calming solutions for residential streets
The #1 complaint I hear from residents is concern over speeding and other traffic violations in the residential area.

• Evaluate the extent of the problem, including potential risk, to inform next steps
• Prioritize and consider short and long term solutions
• Explore gateway treatments for stronger deceleration signaling to drivers upon entering the residential areas.

“Good plans shape good decisions. That’s why good planning makes elusive dreams come true.”

– Lester Bittel, author and internationally recognized authority on management, planning and supervision